The GT-DM is an all-in-one audio/video entrance station with stainless steel cover for the GT Multi-Unit entry system. This unit is equipped with a 170 angle of view PTZ camera. The 10-key keypad allows for direct digital dialing and access entry. A 3.5 color LCD displays agreeting message, tenant names & numbers, and system status. The color LCD may be set to energy saver mode and can activate via the built in motion sensor. The GT-DM is equipped with a six language user assistance guide. The guide provides operational assistance by displaying avisual pictogram as well as audible guidance. The GT-DM works on a common bus wiring system, carrying the calling and communication functions on a 2 conductor wire, and the video signal on a second 2conductor wire. A separate power supply provides voltage for the digital display, while the power for the audio and video is supplied on the common bus wires.The entrance station is designed to be flush mounted butan optional hooded stainless steel surface mount box can be purchased separately (SBX-GTDM).Audio only and audio/video entrance panels are intermixable within a system, as are audio and video tenantstations. The system allows up to two video stations and two audio stations to be used in the same tenant location(exception to this rule if using the GT-2C).Communication is hands free at the entrance station when a tenant answers the call.FEATURES: Hands free audio communication Video image of visitor when called from entrance, ora view of entry area when activated from the tenantstation Direct digit dialing, alphabetical scrolling or jumpscrolling by letter to select tenant name Digital panel can store up to 500 tenant name/numberlocations Alpha-numeric room numbers and/or names can beprogrammed Access Control door entry with keypad with up to 500unique codes to activate door release Scrolling welcome message, up to 160 characters,adjustable scroll speed 3.5 Color LCD displays calling unit name and number Motion sensor to activate LCD PC program for loading resident information, accesscodes, and welcome message (Via USB) Stainless Steel weather resistant constructionCLICK HERE FOR AIPHONE GT-DM-Spec.pdfThe GT Series supports up to 500 tenant stations, which can communicate hands-free to a maximum of 16 entry panels and four security guard stations. The 170-degree entry station camera with PanTilt Zoom provides complete entry visibility. Choose from a one-piece stainless steel entry panel or easily configure the entry panels using either direct select or digital keypad.
AIPHONE GT-DM All-in-one w/ audio, video, name scroll, and keypad.
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SKU: 0402016GT-DM
Category: Intercom Products
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